
I'm cheap, I travel far and wide, and I survive out there for as long as

“How are you traveling so much? You must have a lot of money to waste!” “Sit down

“Cairo is one of the greatest storehouses of human achievement on earth, ranging from the pharaonic

(Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. 1/12/19) I arrived in London somewhat aloof. I wasn’t even sure what

As we approach year three, we find it amazing that only 5 of our 95 travelers

I live to eat. Most of everything I do in life, especially my travels, is based

As Memorial Day weekend approaches, many of us here in the US are planning some alcohol

Arriving in Zanzibar was unlike anything I had ever seen. The airport was so small I could see

12 Strangers + Destination: Unknown + Living Our Best Life = Passport Required. Come with me to
